Bill Of Material
- PlusCart breakout board -> upload Gerberfile at e.g. JLPCB
- STM32F407VGT6 breakout board or at AliExpress
- ESP8266 esp-01s with stock firmware 1.6.2 or at AliExpress
The GPIOs of the STM32 board are connected similar to the Unocart-2600 except for the SD card. And for Data IN and OUT the PlusCart uses the GPIOs PC0-PC7. The ESP8266 is connected to USART1 (PA9 TX and PA10 RX ) of the STM32 Board.
Atari 2600 | STM32F407VGT6 | ESP8266 | Note |
A0 to A12 | PD0 to PD12 | nc | Adressbus |
D0 to D7 | PC0 to PC7 | nc | Databus |
5v | VCC | nc | 5 V |
GND | GND | GND | Ground |
nc | V33 | VCC | 3.3 V |
nc | PA9 | RxD | Tx -> RxD |
nc | PA10 | TxD | Rx -> TxD |
nc | V33 | CH_PD | CS |